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Sims: Heidi Balderree, the State Senator Lehi Needs Now



All politics is local, and that couldn’t be truer than right here in Lehi, especially in the race for Senate District 22. Our community has long faced a wide range of expanding challenges, with growth, transportation, inflation, and education at the top of the list. Unfortunately, the balance of power at both the state and county levels has not been in our favor, leading to weak prioritizations and delays in the funding and construction of critical infrastructure.

Now, more than ever, we need an experienced state senator with a proven record of fighting for and delivering results for the Lehi community. That person is Senator Heidi Balderree.

In the short time Heidi has been our state senator, she has focused on our most pressing needs and delivered substantial progress. Just this last legislative session, as a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, she fought to secure $1.4 billion for Lehi area transportation needs, including the 2100 North Freeway and Pioneer Crossing upgrades. As Chair of the Social Services Appropriations Subcommittee, she held back an onslaught of new spending requests, keeping the expansion of state government in check. She supported the expansion of the Utah Fits All Scholarship program, bringing expanded educational choice to more Utah families. Additionally, she stood her ground against intense pressure and opposed crony capitalism by voting “NO” to taxpayer-funded sports stadiums in Salt Lake County.

Heidi has been a long-time member of the Lehi community, dating back to 2005 when she taught fitness classes at the Legacy Center. As a lifelong Republican, she has actively fought for liberty, limited government, and local control. Before serving as our State Senator, Heidi was involved in various roles, promoting and advancing conservative values. She most recently served as the Chair of the Utah County Planning Commission (a 3-year appointment), as the Community Engagement Director for Americans for Prosperity Utah, Secretary for the Utah County Republican Party, and as a grassroots leader opposing the relocation of the state prison in northern Utah County.

Heidi Balderree’s dedication and proven track record make her the clear choice for Senate District 22. Her commitment to addressing our community’s needs, coupled with her steadfast adherence to conservative principles, ensures that she will continue to be a strong advocate for Lehi. As we approach this critical election, let’s rally behind a leader who has consistently delivered for us and will continue to do so. 

Mac Sims

Lehi Resident


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