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The Top 4 Songs About Utah – and How to Learn How to Play Them for Yourself



Utah has some truly epic landscapes and some even more exciting history, making it the perfect setting for many songs that are worth the love and hype. It’s no wonder that artists from Billy Joel all the way to the Beach Boys have written about this mighty state. 

However, listening to music is just the bare surface way to engage with it. If you want to take your music-enjoying experience to the next level, then the best way to do it is to learn how to play. 

Top Instruments to Learn 

When it comes to playing classic Utah hits for yourself, there are only two main instruments that can do them justice – at least, on their own. The first is, of course, the guitar, but if you want range, then you will want to learn how to play the piano. 

The good news is that there are so many easy piano songs to start with. You can even play Friend of the Devil by Grateful Dead fairly quickly, thanks to the simplified notes for bass range. 

How to Quickly Pick Up Piano 

Even with easy, simplified versions of your favorite songs, there is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to learning how to play the piano. To help, focus on these techniques to get you started: 

  1. Find proper sitting posture: You’ll want to sit upright and far enough away from the piano keys so your elbow can rest at a 90° angle and can still touch the keys. You want your wrists to be straight, not bent. 
  2. Adopt the correct starting position: Learn where the middle C is and position both thumbs over it. Alternatively, keep the right hand on the middle C, then the left hand’s pinkie on the C lower down the scale. Both options are correct. 

You can learn how to actually play the piano by: 

  • Going to a music teacher for direct instruction 
  • Following YouTube tutorials 
  • Following online guides 

Top Songs About Utah to Start Your Piano Playing Journey

Of course, practice is where the magic happens. You’ll want to practice often, which means you need to enjoy the songs you’re practicing! If you’re a Utah native and grew up with songs about Utah, then start your journey by playing any of these top 4 songs about this amazing state: 

  • Salt Lake City, The Beach Boys 

The Beach Boys may be known for their California-based tunes, but that doesn’t mean they never ventured out of state. There are a series of songs about Salt Lake City, including the most famous Salt Lake City

  • The Ballad of Billy the Kid, Billy Joel 

Billy the Kid is easily one of the most famous figures in Utah history. He’s been honored in movies, TV shows, and, yes, songs. The most famous of those songs is from Billy Joel, and the lyrics include: “Well he robbed his way from Utah to Oklahoma”. 

  • Ballad for a Friend, Rob Dylan 

Another infamous song is Ballad for a Friend. This song is from the perspective of a narrator watching a train leave, this one carrying his friend’s body. It is a terribly sad ballad, but one full of feeling and, of course, set in Utah. 

  • Friend of the Devil, Grateful Dead

This song covers a night past in a Utah cave, after the narrator runs from Reno being chased by dogs. It’s a highly evocative line and a brilliant song, making it very fun to learn how to play and practice your new piano skills.  

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