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Small Business Advice

How to Create a Killer SEO Plan for Your Business



Before buying from your organization, consumers will take time to check out your brand using the internet. If you don’t have an SEO plan finding your website and related content becomes challenging, if not impossible.

If you’re asking “Do I need SEO for my business?” The simple answer is yes but finding a guide that details how to create an SEO strategy that works isn’t as easy as you might assume. For this reason, many businesses turn to a Utah SEO company for help. However, if you plan to DIY your own SEO, read on for our tips. 

Here, you’ll find a step-by-step guide that details what you need to do to take on the emerging SEO trends properly.

Create a List of Keywords to Use

To ensure your business website appears in search engines, you’ve got to create a list of relevant keywords to use on your website and throughout the content. Keywords help people find your business and should be a mixture of short and long-term keywords.

Keywords should be placed within:

  • Body text
  • Subject lines
  • Image alt text
  • Subheadings

After performing your keyword research, survey the competitors ranking for using these keywords. Understanding what ranks for these keywords can help you integrate these factors into your strategy.

Develop & Plan Compelling Content

Content is a great way to make the best use of the content you’re creating. The best part about content creation is that there are several types you can choose from to combine while achieving your business goals.

Create a schedule for your content that you can follow consistently. 


Utilize Local Citations

Local citations are a valuable yet overlooked tool that can help you rank higher in search engines. When you use local citations, you can take advantage of business listing tools where you can provide customers with the information they need about your business.

Citations don’t just appear in search engines, but they can also occur across your social media platforms. It also helps if you’ve built credible affiliate relationships to increase search rankings.

Increase Website Loading Time

If your website’s bounce rate is on the higher end, one of the most common reasons is a slow loading page. Consumers want the information they’re looking for quickly to move on to the next thing.

One of the reasons pages load slowly is too many elements on a page and an overcomplicated website design. Take the time to review your website design and ensure it aligns with your brand personality and vision before making it available to people to use. 

Earn Affiliated Backlinks

Previously we discussed creating credible affiliate relationships that can serve as earned backlinks. Backlinks are links to your website embedded in other companies’ content.

This can help to increase the traffic to your website and further present your company as a credible and trustworthy brand to buy from.

SEO Plan Guide: Optimizing at Every Stage

Our SEO plan guide will help you make the most of your business’s online presence. Without it, not only are potential customers unable to find you, but it will affect your company’s bottom line.

There is a lot more to learn from SEO to online traffic, and you can find them in this section.


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