Over Memorial Day weekend, Ron Russon, local artist, had his work featured at Gallery Wild in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Ron has had his unique painting style...
Brent D. Peterson, Ph.D., was raised in a two-story home on First East in Lehi. He attended Lehi Jr. High School and was in the first...
There is almost reverence in Dusty Pyne’s voice as he describes the mission and values of Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy. Pyne, who operates two local franchises...
On a late night in May 1970, two Lehi women headed for Broadbent’s barn to work on a float for the business. Unfortunately, one of the...
Tiffany Quintero exudes energy, love and devotion as she describes her teaching experience as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher at Lehi Junior High School....
Every time Nolan Johnson passed the 100- foot, giant ponderosa pine log lying in a vacant field on State Street, his creative juices started to flow....
Many Lehi Round-up Rodeo fans are still mourning the passing of beloved Lecile Harris, the salty but hilarious rodeo clown who entertained rodeo goers for more...
“Don’t you dare turn on the sprinkling system,” said a Lehi woman to her husband. “I don’t want the neighbors glaring at our yard.” With water...
The late Geral Wilde, debate coach at Lehi High School, always admonished his debaters to make sure the information used in debates, orations, extemporaneous speeches, etc.,...
“I just couldn’t find workers, and compete with China,” said owner, Ray Worthen, of General Refractories. Worthen, who purchased the Lehi manufacturing facility in 1996, is...