Entrepreneur Freddy Smith earned the nickname Fabulous Freddy long before opening his first car wash in the Las Vegas area in 1998. That nickname became part...
The Utah Valley Parade of Homes is happening now and Lehi has a countywide high of 6 homes in this years showcase. This year’s homes range...
There is almost reverence in Dusty Pyne’s voice as he describes the mission and values of Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy. Pyne, who operates two local franchises...
You may have heard of David Butler, Lehi resident, former Lehi High seminary teacher, and now popular religious author, but there is another David Butler in...
LEHI, Utah (April 29, 2021) – Thanksgiving Point’s Board of Directors (www.thanksgivingpoint.org) is proud to announce the appointment of McKay Christensen as President and Chief Executive...
During the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 27, neighbors of a new Lehi reception and event center spoke during the meeting’s public comment portion, expressing...
Local artists are coming out of quarantine with beautiful creations to share and Lehi is home to a new market for those vendors. On Wednesday and...
The Lehi City Planning Commission met on Thursday, April 22. The recommending body met in person for the first time in over a year after going...
During the public comment portion of the April 13 City Council meeting, Andrew Bybee of Stack Real Estate asked the Council to approve an exception to...
“I just couldn’t find workers, and compete with China,” said owner, Ray Worthen, of General Refractories. Worthen, who purchased the Lehi manufacturing facility in 1996, is...