Lehi’s only indoor public recreation facility is offering its annual free health and fitness fair this Saturday, January 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday’s...
Lehi City invites residents to join in an annual tradition this Saturday, Dec. 7: the Santa Parade. Starting at Lehi High School, the parade will light...
By Matt Hemmert | Lehi Free Press Lehi residents who used to enjoy living in the railway quiet zone have endured locomotive horns at every crossing...
Matt Hemmert | Lehi Free Press After 10 days of weathering public clamor, speculation, and the spread of misinformation, the Lehi City Council and staff discussed...
It’s been decades in the making, and it’s finally here. Lehi’s Family Park will have a grand opening celebration on Saturday, Sept, 14 at 10 a.m., then the...
Lehi residents of all ages are invited to gather and aid the community this Saturday, September 7, at one of many locations where Lehi Serves has organized service projects....
Ryann Anderegg | Lehi Free Press Residents of Lehi City have recently witnessed a significant transformation in street design on the West side of 700 South....
Lehi Serves, a Lehi-based grassroots service organization, has obtained its 501(c)(3), or nonprofit status. Chuck Meeker, a Lehi-based attorney and co-president of the organization, submitted all...
Lehi City Police Department hosted the city’s Night Out Against Crime on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at Wines Park. In an effort to build stronger relationships within...
The Lehi City Parks Department is in the middle of an 18-month update to its Parks Master Plan. The City has contracted with Colorado-based Design Workshop for...