I’ve admired our state’s commitment to fiscal conservatism over the years and appreciate Utah’s financial stability. However, the question of taxpayer-subsidized professional sports stadiums now beckons...
Dear Editor, I moved from downtown Salt Lake City and have lived in West Lehi since 2022, but I often go downtown. I have noticed that...
As a really fun and exciting basketball season in Utah is reaching its peak time, ugly allegations of improper conduct by students and other fans at...
Ryann Anderegg | Lehi Free Press Twenty years ago, owning a home was a realistic dream for many young adults. Fast forward to the present, and...
By: Donna Barnes / Lehi Free Press On a dreary, rainy afternoon last week, I pulled into the parking lot of the recently dedicated Primary Children’s Hospital in Lehi. The...
Pepper spray, stun guns, and flashlights are common self-defense tools. But what if you could have all three in one compact device? That’s where the Olympian...
As a college sophomore, I had the opportunity to visit New York City. I was impressed with many of the historic buildings we saw as we walked the...
Editor’s Note: The following article was taken from A Guide to Lehi City’s Historical Sites and Places published by the Lehi Historical Preservation Commission in 1997. On July...
For 44 years, Neil Johnson mentored, taught, and advocated for Carbon and Alpine School District students. With Johnson’s passing, a light in the educational community was...
Bill Fowler | Guest Writer “Sweetheart,” Dad whispered to Mom, “I’ve got to get out of bed and check on the turkeys.” It was midnight on Saturday, just a...