For those who have been in close contact with a COVID-19 patient or who have traveled to areas with widespread infection, the Lehi Intermountain Health Care Clinic is here to help.
The Lehi IHC Clinic has taken steps to make COVID-19 testing safe and easy. Patients who believe they are exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus can call in to the clinic at 801-753-4310 and speak to a representative. If the representative believes a test is necessary, the patient will be expected to drive to the clinic, where they will be given a registration number and asked to park. Once the number is called, the patient pulls up to a screening booth and then drives through the testing tent. In this tent, a health-care professional in full protective clothing administers a test while the patient remains in the car. These workers sanitize between each test. The Lehi IHC Clinic is projecting 24-48 hours for test results, although Utah is prioritizing testing on a case-by-case basis.
The Lehi IHC Clinic also continues to function as a normal urgent care center. However, they ask that non-urgent cases call in for a consultation via Facetime to keep as many patients out of the office as possible. They have also asked each patient to fill out registration paperwork in their car and only come in for the consultation, to keep the waiting room clear.
The Lehi IHC Clinic is located at 3249 N. 1200 West and is available for COVID-19 testing daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Normal urgent care hours remain 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Lehi residents concerned about symptoms related to the coronavirus can also report symptoms at to receive direction on how to be tested.