“Bringing Down the House” presented by Willowcreek Middle School is a zany comedy that follows an aspiring group of playwrights, book writers, lyricists and directors who are ambitious for a Broadway run. To their dismay, this group of creatives endures many challenges along the way.
There is a condemned building, dynamite ready to explode, shortened rehearsal times, a forever-changing script and unrehearsed sword fights between aliens and pirates, things get a little crazy in the pursuit of their Broadway dream.
Willowcreek’s production is directed by drama teacher, Cali Wilkes and features 42 students from the advanced theater class. The students have been preparing since August to bring thelively story to life. Rehearsals have averaged 9-10 hours per week.
“The students are doing a fabulous job; they are diving into the script headfirst and making creative choices. We have some new faces in the drama department this year who are doing an excellent job in this production, including Jenna Sharp, Bodey Trane, and Pyper Grant. The best part of my job is creating a fun and safe environment where students want to belong and feel comfortable stretching and pushing themselves to tell stories in creative ways,” said Wilkes.
“Not only are my acting students hard at work, but so are my stage crew students. They have been building sets, designing makeup looks, focusing on lighting and programming cues to get ready for our wonderful community to enjoy this production.”
Will the musical be on Broadway? Will the building explode before they get there? Come and find out in Willowcreek’s production of “Bringing Down the House.”