Academic pursuit and construction projects march forward as Lehi High School is rebuilt to accommodate growth and update aging facilities. The rebuild is moving forward on schedule and will be completed using a multi-phased plan that will update and replace school facilities and add new classrooms to the existing school’s footprint.
Faculty and students at Lehi High School face the challenge of balancing their usual activities at the school with the trappings of construction work. In a walking tour of the school grounds, Principal Doug Webb pointed out current building sites and what the future holds for upcoming construction and demolition projects.
Principal Webb pointed to the ongoing demolition of the old agricultural wing of the school and said, “I’m excited for these changes, but it’s bitter-sweet to watch them tearing down the building I used to teach in.” Webb taught at the school for eight years before moving into administrative positions. The new vocation building is open and holding class. The building is fresh and bright, with two large agricultural science classrooms and a mechanics classroom, state of the art mechanic and wood shops, an animal lab, and a greenhouse.
To the east of the school, construction continues on a new athletic facility that will house a large main and auxiliary gymnasium and locker rooms. This building is planned to be completed for use in the next school year.

Completed building plan for Lehi High School. | Courtesy Doug Webb
The next phase of construction is set to begin soon on a three-story building that will house classrooms and a new auditorium. Located on the southwest side of the school, this building will be seen from Main Street with a parking lot to the south.
Principal Webb said, “I am so grateful for everyone’s patience while we go through these changes. Faculty, staff, students and parents, and the neighbors in our community have been so great. We are all looking forward to the new building and are excited about the future at Lehi High School.”
Webb said that construction progress is proceeding as planned, and current projections show completion of the rebuild to be in the spring of 2021.

Buildings currently under construction at Lehi High School. | Courtesy Doug Webb