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Utah County Commissioners unanimously approve pro-life resolution



All three Utah County Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a resolution expressing “support for protecting all human life.”

While the resolution is non-binding, advocates say it contributes to setting a tone in a community. When he introduced the resolution, Commissioner Bill Lee said that he sees it as an opportunity to influence the public discussion as a thought leader in the community. Commissioners Tanner Ainge and Nathan Ivie joined Lee in passing the resolution.

“WHEREAS, each and every human life is unique, precious, and worthy of fundamental protections,” the resolution reads, “Utah County declares itself a safe haven for all of its citizens, including the unborn, the elderly, and the mentally and physically impaired.”

It declares support for legislation protecting human life at every stage, for “the rights of healthcare providers to object on moral ground to performing abortions or euthanasia,” and for legislation to ease barriers in the adoption process. It also recognizes an exception for those who deal with situations involving rape, incest, or danger to a mother’s health.

Utah State Rep. Kay Christofferson (LD 56), who represents portions of eastern Lehi, spoke in support of the resolution. “I believe that life starts at conception. I appreciate that you recognize that and you’re bringing this forward.”

Christofferson illustrated his belief that developing life deserves protection with a comparison to an eagle’s egg. “Think of the trouble you’d get if you removed an egg from an eagle’s nest,” he said. He also mentioned the experience of one of his family members who is just about to finalize the adoption of a second child.

He commented after the meeting, “I have a duty as an elected official, as do all citizens, to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


Lehi resident and chairwoman of Abortion Free Utah, Merrilee Boyack, also spoke in favor of the resolution. She talked about her organization’s goal to “protect the unborn and eradicate elective abortions – abortions of convenience – in the state of Utah.” She expressed her appreciation for the resolution, saying it follows “a long history of cities and counties and states passing resolutions that give voice to the convictions, intentions, concerns, opinions, and passions of their citizens.”

After its passage, Boyack said, “We are grateful to the Utah County commissioners Bill Lee, Tanner Ainge, and Nathan Ivie for voting to support all human life – including the precious lives of unborn babies.”

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