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Miss Lehi and the legacy of sisterhood



The public perception of the Miss Lehi program is that it’s a one-night event, but the reality is that it’s so much more. The Miss Lehi organization is a local affiliate of the Miss America Program. It acts as a preliminary competition to the Miss Utah Scholarship Competition. As part of the Miss America Organization, the mission is to empower young women to lead with style, service, scholarship and success, all on a foundation of sisterhood.

On Saturday, April 27, the Miss Lehi program celebrated all those who have worn the Miss Lehi crown and the volunteers who have led the organization at the “Forever Miss Lehi” brunch, held at the Broadbent Center.  

The women involved in the program have made a significant difference in the Lehi community and have developed a lasting bond of sisterhood. Those at the brunch shared their memories of friendships that have resulted from participating in the Miss Lehi competition. 

“As a volunteer for the organization, I have seen the benefits of the sisterhood that develops among the participants,” said Renita Revill, Miss Lehi Director 1991-1995. “I served on the Miss Lehi committee with various directors for many years and eventually became the pageant director for Miss Lehi, which led me to be the Miss Utah director. I have experienced firsthand the sisterhood that develops within this organization on a local and state level. The friendship and encouragement helps these young women to grow and become better people. Even if they don’t win a title, they know they belong to something special. These young women share so much with each other and become bonded uniquely. They learn to trust one another and become sisters that continue to uplift and support each other.”

“The Miss Lehi program is special. Many friendships are created within the organization and between participants,” said Kate Daly, Miss Lehi Director. “I think this is because we are such a tight community, and everybody knows everybody in Lehi; that makes the sisterhood sweeter. I feel like each class of participants comes together and develops their own bond. No matter the year one serves or the time someone competes, they always find someone else with experiences or ideals. They help each other through experiences, not just while competing but at any time. The sisterhood grows stronger with their support and genuine friendship.”

Aria Conran, Miss Lehi 2023, hosted the luncheon and is excited to be a part of a true sisterhood. 

“Throughout my service year, I have made so many good friends and learned so much from other titleholders and those I have competed with. These are special women who let me know that they really care about me. It is so heartwarming to be a part of such a strong organization that values me. I am grateful to be surrounded by such strong women who have become my sisters,” said Conran. 


This was the second annual Forever Miss Lehi brunch, and Daly hopes it will continue to be a place to strengthen relationships. 

“I would love to see all those who have served as Miss Lehi attend and be a part of the ‘forever legacy.’ I would also love to hear more stories from all the former directors to understand better how they worked to create this program in Lehi and for them to see what it has become. Lehi City is a great place, and the support rendered to the Miss Lehi program as it continues to develop and impact women is appreciated,” said Daly.

Conran encourages anyone interested in the Miss Lehi program to participate. She has served passionately this past year in encouraging those in Lehi to “dream bigger.”

Conran also shared her thoughts for the next Miss Lehi. “I want to tell the future Miss Lehi to not take anything for granted; there are so many people behind the scenes who help you and care about you and your success. Soak it all up and be grateful for every moment because the year goes by fast.”

The foundation of sisterhood is a legacy that continues within the Miss Lehi organization, as every participant is empowered by true friendship.

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