“Daddy Long Legs,” now playing at the Lehi Arts Center, is a heartwarming Cinderella story based on the treasured 1912 novel by Jean Webster. This is...
The public perception of the Miss Lehi program is that it’s a one-night event, but the reality is that it’s so much more. The Miss Lehi...
Lehi Arts Council presents “Daddy Long Legs,” a musical romance by John Caird and Paul Gordon. “Daddy Long Legs” is directed by Brighton Sloan with music...
Former Utah State University and Skyridge High School football quarterback McCae Hillstead committed to joining the BYU football program today (April 25). As a true freshman in the 2023 season, Hillstead played in eight...
On Saturday, April 20, voters in Utah County played a significant role in selecting the Republican Party’s candidates for this year’s primary and general election. The Utah County...
Willowcreek Middle School is proud to present Roald Dahl’s “Matilda JR,” a musical packed with high-energy dance numbers and catchy songs. Performers loved this show and it’s a crowd...
The Accent on Excellence Awards are an opportunity to honor educators and employees throughout Alpine School District who are exemplary role models and quality educators. Faculty...
On Saturday, April 14, Miriam Brophy won the title of Lehi Round-Up Rodeo Queen. Brophy is from Payson and this was her first time competing for...
In 2003, Holly McMahon and her business partner, James Belcher, needed a way to provide financial support to their families. They decided to put their creativity...
The Skyridge High School drama team made a statement at the regional theater competition, earning first place in sweepstakes for the overall highest point total in...