Lehi High School drama students are the first cast and crew in Utah to perform “Something Rotten!,” a popular Broadway musical featuring homages to Shakespeare and...
“This is a story about a community coming together in hard times, which definitely resonates with everyone right now,” said LoriAnne Poulson, director of the Lehi...
Many Lehi Round-up Rodeo fans are still mourning the passing of beloved Lecile Harris, the salty but hilarious rodeo clown who entertained rodeo goers for more...
“This show has really resonated with the students. It’s a love story that’s not driven by romance and that’s unusual in musical theater,” said Cali Wilkes,...
Lehi will be crowning a new queen this summer after Lindsey Larsen’s two-year reign as Miss Lehi. Larsen was set to compete in the Miss Utah...
The beloved Lehi Round-Up Rodeo will be presented in all its glory this year. The Lehi Round-Up Rodeo Committee (Lehi Civic Improvement Association) met Thursday night,...
SHS theater department learns valuable lessons from health safety measures A year ago, the Skyridge High School Theatre Department had just finished their winter production and...
A blended Lehi family, including widowed parents Erica and Spencer Shemwell and their combined 11 children, are the subject of a reality television series on TLC...
Shelby Barnes | Lehi Free Press In the 21st century, it’s out with the old and in with the new, and today’s “new” is social media. Social...
Nicole Kunze | Lehi Free Press The 11th annual Chinese New Year Community Celebration in Lehi was adjusted to conform to COVID-19 restrictions. Students presented an...