Megan Wallgren | Lehi Free Press
The Lehi Planning Commission will review the 100 East Station Area Plan (Historic State Street area) on March 6 at a planning commission work session. The area plan extends from 100 East to 400 East along Lehi’s State Street and was created as part of Lehi City’s Downtown Revitalization Plan.
The development plan for the area includes mixed-use ground-floor retail and restaurant space with residential and office space above. Planners hope to provide live-work opportunities in the area.
The new plan incorporates the design of the recently approved 25-unit State Street Lehi Apartment Complex project.
The plan incorporates several of Lehi City’s housing goals, including residential mixed-use units and commercial zones, gentle density (duplexes, small apartment complexes), and attainable (lower cost) housing.
After reviewing the plan during the March 6 work session, the planning commission will make a recommendation at the March 13 planning meeting. The City Council is scheduled to vote on the development plan at the April 8 City Council Meeting.