The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will hold a public hearing at Liberty Hills Elementary School in Lehi, 3501 West 2450 North, this Thursday, March 6 from 5-7 p.m. The subject of the re-evaluation is the 2100 North Freeway from SR-85 to Interstate 15 in Utah County.
The re-evaluation will consider the design refinements proposed to address the change of conditions in the project area. The draft re-evaluation is available for public review and comment.
The hearing will discuss the upcoming re-evaluation Record of Decision (ROD) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Mountain View Corridor (MVC) Project, completed in 2008, in Salt Lake and Utah Counties.
The public hearing is an in-person meeting and will follow an open-house format. Informational materials about the project will be available, but there will be no formal presentation. Project information available will include the preliminary 2100 North road alignment, along with anticipated noise and property impacts. Members of the project team will be available to answer questions. The public comment period is now open and will remain open through March 21.
The draft re-evaluation can be viewed on the project website at Paper copies are available at the Utah Department of Transportation Region Three office located at 658 North 1500 West, Orem.
Comments or questions can be emailed to; submitted on the project website under the Submit Comment tab; mailed to NW Utah County: 2100 North Environmental Study c/o Penna Powers, 1706 S. Major Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115; or sent via text message or voice message to 385-510-2700.
Comments will also be collected at the in-person open house via written comment forms and a court reporter. Comments must be submitted or postmarked by March 21, 11:59 PM MST. For more information, please visit the project website at
Individuals without internet access or needing accommodations should notify the project team at 385-510-2700 or by Feb. 27, 2025, for assistance with the public hearing and March 14, 2025, for assistance with making a comment.