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Breeze Airways provides 700 flights for Make-A-Wish



Brynn Carnesecca | Lehi Free Press

Make-A-Wish Utah provides thousands of wishes to kids all across the state annually. Concerts, trips and other fun activities provide a beacon of hope and joy for kids as they undergo treatments and other scary prospects. A few weeks ago, Breeze Airways partnered with the Utah chapter of Make-A-Wish to provide over 700 flights to Orange County and Orlando, the famous locations of Disneyland and Disney World, respectively. 

The partnership began when Breeze reached out to the foundation to ask how they could help make wishes a reality. 

“Through that conversation, we shared that 40% of wishes are to Orlando or Orange County,” said Daniel Dudley, President and CEO of the Utah chapter. “Breeze responded incredibly by offering over 700 free flights to Wish kids and their family members.” 

From that conversation, Breeze For Wishes was born. 

On Jan. 29, four kids, Holly, Benjamin, Parry and Taylyn all got to have their wish come true. The lucky children got to take a ride on Breeze Airways to Orlando. All of the magic could not have happened without the partnership between Make-A-Wish and Breeze. A tunnel of Make-A-Wish and Breeze employees welcomed the families to the airport and made sure the experience was one to never forget. 

“Not only is Breeze providing airfare for those kids, they are treating them like true VIPs. They are recognizing them before the flight, during the flight and have set up an exclusive platform for Make-A-Wish to book tickets for the kids,” Dudley explained. 


Each family was ecstatic to be traveling and making memories together. 

“Their reaction is similar to what kids look like when they are on their actual wish,” Dudley laughed. “We were celebrating not just their wish, but their bravery, parents and families. We wanted to recognize that they have been through a lot and now is the time to celebrate, relax and enjoy a seriously nice wish.” 

From this partnership, Make-A-Wish will be able to have more funds and grant more wishes. They are beyond thankful to Breeze and their support. 

“We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Breeze Airlines,” said Dudley. “Since more than half of the wishes we grant depend on air travel, this partnership is transformative. With Breeze for Wishes providing flights to the Orange County and Orlando areas, countless children across Utah will see their dreams take flight—bringing hope, joy and unforgettable moments to families when they need it most.”

Make-A-Wish provides hope and love exactly when a child and family need it most. 

“Wishes are essential to a child’s treatment journey. The idea of a wish provides hope and resilience that can improve the child’s medical outcomes,” Dudley explained. “Kids and their families who are facing critical illnesses and so much uncertainty need light and hope. That is why Make-A-Wish was created—to provide that in really challenging situations.” 

Even if a child needs more treatment or support post-wish, the granting of their wish is an incredible moment that cannot be understated. 

Dudley shared, “In a recent survey of wish alumni, seven out of 10 kids said that the wish sparked a turning point in their treatment and improved the odds that they would beat their diagnosis. A wish inserts a new, positive chapter into their medical journeys. It’s full of unforgettable memories that can propel them during future challenging times.” 


Breeze For Wishes plans to provide the remaining 700 flights and help children throughout Utah fight their diagnoses and believe in miracles. For more information, visit  

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