Construction on the new Lehi City Hall hit a milestone on January 28, 2025, when contractors placed the final steel beam on the building in front...
Last November, voters in western and northern Utah County voted to leave the 100-year-old Alpine School District and create their own new districts. The monumental change...
Utah County Commissioner Skyler Beltran announced the names of the Utah County Alpine School Redistricting Committees in a statement released Friday. The county asked for applications...
According to a January 9 press release from Utah County officials, four Utah County firefighters are on their way to Southern California to assist in fighting...
The status of Lehi’s Dry Creek Reservoir has changed over the last few years from a full-fledged regional park with many amenities like paved parking, restrooms,...
Earlier this month, voters passed Proposition 11 and Proposition 14, splitting the Alpine School District (ASD) into three new districts. On Tuesday, November 19, The Utah...
Utah County Commissioners Brandon Gordon (left) and Skyler Beltran (right) at the warming center. This week, winter is coming, and for Utah County’s homeless population, it marked...
The Provo Airport marked a milestone on Monday, celebrating the first-ever flight by American Airlines. The addition of the legacy carrier brings expanded travel options for...
On Saturday, the Utah County Republican Party Central Committee chose Lehi’s Skyler Beltran to serve as the interim Utah County Commissioner after Commissioner Tom Sakievich resigned...
Lehi residents of all ages are invited to gather and aid the community this Saturday, September 7, at one of many locations where Lehi Serves has organized service projects....