Cadie E. Brockbank grew up in a Lehi neighborhood surrounded by creative, talented artisans. Her entrepreneurial skill coupled with her association with women of exceptional abilities...
Harmons Grocery is putting the finishing touches on the new Traverse Ridge location this week (1750 Traverse Parkway, Lehi). The grand opening is slated for August...
When Paul Hancock saw a pressing need for an elementary school in Traverse Mountain, he gathered some resources, crunched some numbers, and presented the case to...
Monday, July 25th hundreds of supporters of Miss Rodeo Utah, Cassidy Black, and the contestants for this year’s crown showed up to cheer at the annual...
When most of us think of summer, we think of swimming, hiking and family get-togethers, but if you work in the Streets Department, you think about...
Ivory Ridge Swim and Tennis Club is hosting a triathlon to help add a new police dog (K9) to the Lehi Police Department. Ivory Ridge will...
Nestled between Woods Drive and the railroad tracks west of the rodeo grounds is kid-friendly Allred Park at 560 North 750 West. The land for the...
What do you think of when you hear Cuzco, Peru? High elevation? Machu Picchu? That’s not what Lehi Optometrist, Roger Pickering and his wife Kristin think....
Several times since Thursday, July 28, more than 50 goats have created traffic safety issues throughout Lehi. According to Lehi Police Sgt. Chris Hadlock, the police continue...
Residents of Lehi and surrounding communities are invited to attend the festivities for the start of stage 4 of the Tour of Utah cycling race at...