The Lehi City Planning Commission met for their regular meeting in City Council Chambers on Thursday, July 8. Lehi residents attended in person, presenting alternatives to...
Mike West, Lehi City Planning Division Manager, gave a presentation to the Planning Commission in their work session on Thursday, July 1, about Lehi’s bike and...
The Lehi City Planning Commission tackled a lengthy agenda in their meeting on Thursday, June 10. Two large developments were given positive recommendations from the commission,...
The Lehi City Council approved the 2021-2022 budget on Tuesday, June 8, after months of deliberation about spending over $211 million, an increase of 16.7% over...
On Saturday May 29, Utah County got a new Clerk/Auditor. Josh Daniels, the current Utah County Deputy Clerk/Auditor, won a special election administered through the Utah...
Lehi’s tennis and pickleball enthusiasts came to the May 27 Planning Commission meeting to go on record supporting an indoor court facility on what is now...
The Lehi City Planning Commission spent more than half of their regular meeting on Thursday, May 13, on DR Horton’s proposed concept plan for 664 acres...
Lehi City Mayor Mark Johnson announced on his Facebook page Monday, May 3, that he will be seeking re-election. “I will be running for a second...
As government COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease across the state, Alpine School District (ASD) has continued its policy of not allowing the public to attend in-person...
The Lehi City Council met on Tuesday to discuss adding another recreation, arts and park (RAP) tax to the November ballot for Lehi voters to consider....