In Lehi City, a mixed-use development includes residential and nonresidential uses on the same site. Mixed-use developments are intended to create vibrant, efficient and sustainable communities. Grant’s Corner is a proposed commercial building located on 1.4 acres in a mixed-use development at approximately 90 North 500 West, just south of the rodeo grounds. The concept plan includes six warehouses with offices attached. It also includes four retail spaces and 49 parking spaces.
The area at 500 West serves as the venue for the Lehi Round-Up Rodeo during Round-Up week each year during the month of June. The crowds visiting Lehi for rodeo events create parking concerns. Brian Fox of Fox Bros. Properties addressed thatconcern during a Lehi City Council Meeting on Aug. 13, 2024.
“During the week of the rodeo, we are planning to allow the City to use the entire parking lot every night of the rodeo. We will turn over the parking lot to the City to use for parking in any way needed,” said Fox. “The proposal includes the agreement to allow for parking at no cost to the city during the city’s round-up rodeo events.”
The Fox Bros Properties LLC and Lehi City Development Agreement for Grant’s Corner was approved by Lehi City Council on Aug. 13, 2024.
“The property owner will give access to the city to use the parking at the discretion of the city, whether for public or city’s use,” stated Lehi City Councilmember Chris Condie in the motion to approve the agreement.
Chapter 5 of the Establishment of Zoning Districts for Lehi City states, “The purpose of Lehi City’s Mixed-Use District is to create an area with a mix of compatible residential, commercial, and office uses.”
With the City’s approval, Grant’s Corner complies with the intended purpose of its zone designation, and Fox’s proposal allows the City to better manage the high volume of parking during the annual Round-Up Rodeo.