Marissa Mallory | Lehi Free Press This year the Lehi High School Marching Band is paying tribute to America’s favorite pastime, baseball. Their 2021 show titled...
A Lehi Halloween tradition is back this year with the Lehi Arts Council production of The Addams Family. The show starts tonight, Oct. 8 and runs...
Thousands of people descended on Ashton Gardens for the third annual Garden of Quilts last Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 16-18. After a subdued event in 2020,...
“This is the perfect venue, the perfect area for a storytelling festival. It will meet our needs forever,” said RobbiannSorensen, one of the original members of the...
The seventh annual Lehi Heritage Day celebration is coming up on Labor Day, Sept. 6, from 2:30-6 p.m., at the Legacy Center at 123 N. Center...
On Saturday, August 28, the 12th annual “Walk with Angels” fundraiser was held at Wines Park. Hundreds of supporters enjoyed the day with carnival games, raffles, bounce houses, mascots,...
“Honestly, I was surprised something like this didn’t already exist,” said AnnaBelle McKinnon, Miss Lehi’s Outstanding Teen. McKinnon’s experience on Lehi’s stages, from the Arts Center...
Ten youth groups and six missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came to the rescue of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives last week...
“We don’t need a giant facility on the scale of Hale Center Theatre in Sandy, but we should have something that matches the talent here in...
Calling all classic car and bike owners. You are invited to participate in the Lehi Heritage Day Showcase Parade and Classic Car and Bike Show on...