Nestled between Woods Drive and the railroad tracks west of the rodeo grounds is kid-friendly Allred Park at 560 North 750 West. The land for the...
Lehi City’s annual Foam Day was a great success, judging by the kids squealing in delight and the parents covered in suds at the Sports Complex...
The Traverse Mountain Master Association (HOA) opened their pool yesterday after much anticipation. The grand opening was very well attended by over 600 HOA members. The address...
Over the last several weeks, John Haws, President of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives, has been announcing the selection of this year’s Lehi Heritage Days...
When voters go to the polls this November, they will find on the ballot a proposal from Alpine School District for a $386 million bond. Among...
On July 14, the Lehi Planning Commission met to recommend approval or denial of 21 items on the agenda. The five hour meeting was held in...
In the July 12th Lehi City Council meeting, cub scouts Paul Colton, son of Neel and Tammy Colton, and Josh Presbury, son of Aaron and Kim...
Last Wednesday, July 13, Lehi City Police Department, along with a consortium of local agencies conducted a prostitution sting in Lehi. A total of ten arrests...
In the Lehi City Council meeting on July 12, 2016, American Legion Post 19 Commander Quinn Allred and Service Officer Carl Moore presented a $4,000 check...
Many Lehi City residents have expressed concern about water quality given the news of algal bloom in Utah Lake and the Jordan River. The following is...