The Utah Firefighter Association Parade made its way through the streets of Lehi last Thursday evening. Families lined both sides of Main Street and Center Street...
Late in the city council meeting on May 24th, approval was given to begin the condemnation of Lee Smith’s property to widen and straighten Center Street...
It’s baseball season, and in Lehi that means games almost every night of the week and all day on Saturday. Whatever form of baseball you enjoy,...
Over 100 adults and youth from Lehi and American Fork attended training sessions to prepare for this year’s Iron Horse District Cub Scout Day Camp. The...
The current candidates for the Alpine School District school board were questioned about some of the most pertinent issues relating to bonding, common core and why...
What is comfort food to you? If you’re like me, it’s not potatoes and gravy, it’s a spicy curry. Owners Lay and Noi Xayavong are serving...
It was two days before the junior prom and here I was co-chairman of the most wonderful high school event of the year and I didn’t...
Day after day of driving kids to school, picking them up, helping with homework, pestering about grades, and meeting with teachers are OVER. Summer has officially...
Join the tradition of the Lehi Round-Up Celebration and Rodeo. This year will feature the Flyin’ Cowboyz and Team Ghost Rider. And don’t forget, a favorite at the...