Are you ready to take your home property management to the next level? Managing rental properties can be a time-consuming task, but the right tools and...
“Bringing Down the House” presented by Willowcreek Middle School is a zany comedy that follows an aspiring group of playwrights, book writers, lyricists and directors who are ambitious for a Broadway...
Luminaria, the dazzling light and musical display at Thanksgiving Point is now open. The event is presented in Ashton Gardens, which is transformed into a dazzling...
The No. 2-ranked Skyridge football team faced No. 3 Lone Peak once again in the semifinal round of the 6A state playoffs on Thursday afternoon (Nov. 14) at the University of Utah’s Rice-Eccles Stadium. The Falcons won the...
Being a party planner can be a big task, but choosing the right catering service can make all the difference. Whether you are hosting a birthday party, wedding,...
Did you know that the US senior living market is expected to reach $150.42 billion by 2029? This shows the growing demand for senior living options. Choosing...
The No. 4 Lehi football team made a heroic effort in their semifinal clash against defending state champion and top seed Corner Canyon on Thursday (Nov. 14)...
The Lehi Police Department is investigating an apparent incident of rivalry-prompted vandalism at the Skyridge football field. This morning (Nov. 14), administrators at Skyridge High School discovered defacement to the football field. ...
Celebrate the first trains in and out of Lehi at the Utah Southern Railroad Historical Marker Unveiling on Saturday at 10 a.m., at the Utah Southern Railroad...
Matt Hemmert | Lehi Free Press Locomotive horns blaring at at-grade crossings will come to an end soon as efforts continue to fix one final crossing. It can’t come soon...
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