Mike West, Lehi City Planning Division Manager, gave a presentation to the Planning Commission in their work session on Thursday, July 1, about Lehi’s bike and pedestrian infrastructure. “I want us to think about bike infrastructure and what it will take to make a bike-able city. Accessibility is pretty spread out – there are walkable pockets, but we want to make biking a good alternative mode of transportation,” said West.
A map of the current Bike/Pedestrian map is available on Engage Lehi (engagelehi.org) right now. Residents can specify areas that need improvements based on their personal experience.
“Bike routes need to be comfortable and enjoyable, safe, and convenient in order for people to use them,” West explained. Lehi has great trails for biking and walking and running, but the trails don’t tend to lead to a destination like grocery stores or restaurants.
West and members of the Planning Commission agreed that bikers feel safer when there is definite separation between bike and vehicle lanes on the road. “Separation is key, slower traffic within neighborhoods and keeping up with winter street maintenance helps too. For biking to be a viable mode of transportation, we need to be able to use bikes all year.
Commissioner Tyson Eyre pointed out that the city has already missed opportunities to put more access points to trails within neighborhoods. “Crossing 1500 North on the Jordan River Trail is a tricky spot,” added Eyre.
West is hoping to get feedback from other residents who bike to improve the city’s infrastructure, which will improve vehicle traffic. “Your feedback will help influence potential changes in pedestrian and biking infrastructure,” said West.