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Lehi Business

Kohler’s undergoes renovation, to be renamed Pioneer Market



When Doyle Kohler bought the Silver Dollar Market in 1968, he started a business that would become a staple in Lehi’s economy for over 55 years. The Silver Dollar’s name was changed to Pioneer Market. In 1976, Kohler realized he needed a larger building, built a new store, and changed the name to Kohler’s Food Town. The new store was completed in 1982 on the corner of Third East and Main. It has been a favorite grocery shopping destination for many customers for nearly 40 years.

A few years ago, Cecil Shern, the pharmacist who operated the pharmacy inside Kohler’s, purchased the store from Lily Kohler, Doyle’s wife. Shern has initiated a multi-million-dollar renovation project.

According to assistant manager Kurt Bracken, the renovation is an ongoing process and will take several months to complete. “The renovation will include an entirely new front with a drive-thru pharmacy on the west side of the current building. We are replacing all the lighting and all the coolers. It will be very energy efficient when completed,” said Bracken. He said getting some of the construction materials has been a problem. “We have had to wait for tile and other construction items, plus equipment that has been ordered for over a year.” 

“We are excited to have a new look and provide a more convenient shopping experience for our customers,” said Bracken, who urged loyal customers to be patient with the process and promised an exciting new store sometime soon.

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