Bret and Janys Hutchings recently announced their retirement from owning and operating Lehi’s Hutch’s Furniture and Appliance store. Hutch’s has been in the Hutchings family since 1946 when Harold...
“In 1972, Mont Pulham asked me to pull the Miss Lehi float in the parade. I had a Jeep at the time, and it was a cool vehicle,”...
On Tuesday, March 22, the Skyridge baseball honored Lehi’s First Responders at the beginning of their baseball game against Fremont High School. Many of the baseball players have...
Erin Daniels, daughter of Laura and Jared Daniels, recently won the state “Educators Rising” speech contest and will compete later this spring at the national level. “Educators...
“As a youngster Lee loved to plan events for the neighborhood,” said Penny Adamson, Lee’s mother. Lehi neighbors remember carnivals, games, parades, and fun times he planned for the neighborhood. “He...
When Anna Mae Barnes was eight years old, her mother gave her a scrap of material from a worn-out sheet. The youngster carefully hemmed the sides...
Rex and Mary Varney Price will celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary on June 22, 2022. Mary is an American Fork girl who fell in love with a lifetime Lehi...
When the first big snowstorm of the season hit in the middle of the night, we were in bed listening to the wind as it whistled around our house. We weren’t sure what...
Recently, my husband and I were watching a horrifying documentary on serial killers. When the segment on Ted Bundy was televised, I couldn’t help but remember a night at home in the early...
On Nov. 17, former Lehi resident and Vietnam veteran, Jim Stein was inducted into the prestigious Army Aviator Hall of Fame held in the Von Braun Center, Huntsville,...