In public meetings held at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi and Loveland Aquarium in Draper, scenarios for Point of the Mountain development were presented for public consideration....
For the first time in nearly eight years, Lehi City will swear in a new Mayor. Mark Johnson will become the mayor according to Utah state...
During Lehi City Council meeting held Tuesday, November 14, the Council moved to table the Traverse Mountain area plan of TMTH development. The entire project has...
Residents of Traverse Mountain had a number of things to say in anticipation of the City Council meeting this past Tuesday in which the Council considered...
At 3 p.m. today, November 9, Lehi City released the updated poll numbers for the 2017 Municipal Election. In the race for mayor, Mark Johnson had...
For 16-year old Jessa, being diagnosed with Keratoconus (a degenerative eye disease) during high school came as a complete shock. Jessa seemed like your average teenager,... hosted candidates Mayor Wilson and Mark Johnson for Lehi City Mayor, and Dr. Allen and Jason Christensen for Utah’s 3rd District to replace Jason Chaffetz...
For three hours Lehi Planning Commission members heard testimony from TMTH representatives, Lehi City staff members, and Traverse Mountain residents regarding TMTH’s revised concept plan of...
On October 25, Lehi Free Press and Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored the final candidate meeting of this voting season. The event was hosted by...
History has had its share of power couples, Mark Antony and Cleopatra, George and Martha Washington, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez… but Chad and Carrie Smith...