Lehi Real Estate Snapshot March 2021 vs (2020) Homes sold: 97 (119) Average home price: $576,500 ($429,870) Average days on market: 18 (45) Average square feet:...
After a century on Lehi Main Street, the building that was home to Porter’s Place restaurant was demolished in October 2019, and the corner has been...
Anyone who has lived in Lehi for a few years knows the Lehi post office operates a full-tilt every weekday. During peak shipping periods, the parking...
The Lehi City Council met on Tuesday to discuss adding another recreation, arts and park (RAP) tax to the November ballot for Lehi voters to consider....
These days, a Lehi butcher is doing more than just cutting meat. He’s also helping educate students at a local school by donating beef organs for...
The beloved Lehi Round-Up Rodeo will be presented in all its glory this year. The Lehi Round-Up Rodeo Committee (Lehi Civic Improvement Association) met Thursday night,...
The Utah County political landscape will look different in the coming weeks due to Commissioner Tanner Ainge’s resignation. Ainge resigned Wednesday, March 17, 2021. He was...
Construction on the new Primary Children’s hospital in Holbrook Farms has gone from breaking ground to vertical. The hospital began framing last week, and drivers on...
For the first time in 2021, the Lehi City Planning Commission met in City Council Chambers to hear applicants on Thursday, Feb. 25. Commissioners Bill Hereth...
After seeing a steady decline in resident satisfaction with City government in the last few years, City leadership welcomed a rebound in this year’s citizen survey. ...