The unofficial symbol for 2020, the face mask, owned another day of news headlines on Saturday after a vendor at the Lehi Farmers Market accused the...
340 W 2325 N – $365,000 4 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms / 2,046 sq ft / .20 acres / built in 1994 “Perfect Rambler located in...
The fourth annual Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point stoked the creativity of dozens of businesses and families who built versions of their favorite characters for a...
Lehi Real Estate Snapshot September 2020 vs (2019) Homes sold: 164 (165) Average home price: $440,776 ($374,996) Average days on market: 31 (52) Average square feet:...
The Lehi City Planning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, October 8, in City Council Chambers. Commission Chair Matt Hemmert was excused from the meeting....
Lehi mail carrier Warren Henrie was doing his job delivering mail to a cluster-box unit (CBU) on 2300 West, across the street from Willowcreek Middle School,...
Because of the number of meeting participants, the Lehi City Council and Planning Commission met virtually Tuesday for a work session due to social distancing space...
The Baird Family is all about the Halloween season, and this year, they have stepped up their haunting game with a full projection show and backyard...
In a four-hour meeting on September 22, the City Council took on an agenda dominated by a General Plan amendment for the corner of 2100 North...
According to a release, starting today, Thursday, September 24, Intermountain Healthcare is transitioning to saliva-based COVID-19 testing at its community testing sites throughout Utah for patients...