Lehi City will focus on three primary objectives in 2020 which have generated much discussion. They are all related in some specific way to the issue...
I tasted my first pine nut when I was eight years old. I didn’t care much for the shell, but the meat was a delicious treat....
With the discontinuance of compost making at Timpanogos Special Service District, citizens will be left with few options for obtaining the product for their yards. Organic...
What do you get when you combine a garden in the desert, a breathtaking sculpture, and an exhibit that honors more than 100 women who have...
It is a rarity to know three soon-to-be centenarians all living within a few yards away from each other. Several weeks ago, I determined to interview...
Whenever a new school is built, I stand back and watch the most important thing for everyone involved to decide. What will the new mascot be?!...
During the Great Depression (1929-1933) holiday meals were different than today’s fare at most tables. It was a rare luxury to have enough bread and butter,...
In 1968 my brothers Jim and John, along with friends, Kyle Zimmerman, Rob Yates and Guy Sorenson spent countless hours building a two-hole golf course in...
I think we all do this when we pick up a newspaper. At least most of us do. That is…read the obituaries to see if someone...
When Ben Woolsey was a student at Lehi High School he was known for his competitiveness, athletic ability and determination. He played football, basketball, and ran...