I’m thinking about one of the biggest moments in my life. I don’t remember my exact age, I think I was nine or ten. We had...
The Lehi Arts Council is putting on its final production of 2016 with “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.” The Christmas-themed play is a favorite in Lehi,...
“Be prepared to be amazed,” is not just an advertising slogan, it is the vision of bowls, plates, angels, ornaments, rattles, Harry Potter wands, pens, and...
I’ve been a fitness trainer for many years, and I feel lucky to have found a career that drives me to push myself physically, and to...
Each year the Rotary Club gives a dictionary to third graders all over the country. Larry Cox, president elect of the Rotary Club of Lehi, was...
“It was the most beautiful Christmas gift anyone could have given me that year,” said Hillary Cheney, referring to her friend’s idea of creating a tree...
Nancy Hunter’s, “Glitter Like Gold” campaign debuted in December 2015 when she made her second official appearance at the National Finals Rodeo, more commonly known as...
The Utah High School Activities Association is at the end of a two-year process of realigning the classifications and regions that govern sports and activities in...
“The question of an adequate water supply had long been a vexing one to the citizens of Lehi. Depending upon artesian and surface wells, they had...
Virgil Kermit Roberts was born on December 13, 1923 to David B. Roberts and Hazel Comer Roberts in Lehi. He passed away in his sleep on...
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