Despite personal challenges, Cari Greer teaches winning ballroom program The Willowcreek Middle School social dance class is only a few months old, but with the energetic...
Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Mrs. Hudson, and a new apprentice to the great detective, Wiggins, will be on the Willowcreek Middle School stage from Thursday, November...
This past Friday, November 2, seventh-grade students at Lehi Junior High School and Willowcreek Middle School were given a surprise gift as a reward for their...
On Friday, July 1, David Jorgensen was awarded first place in the Business Math and Financial Literacy competition at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)...
In April, students at Willowcreek Middle School were challenged to create an art piece in one of four categories to depict the dangers and effects of...
Willowcreek Middle School’s musical theater class will perform the charming Broadway Musical, “Thoroughly Modern Millie” April 19, 20, 21, and 23 at 7:00 pm in the...
ParentsEmpowered, a media and education campaign funded by the Utah Legislature, kicked off a state-wide campaign to prevent underage drinking at Willowcreek Middle School in Lehi...
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