Scott, Christy, and Riley Eastmond recently returned from their first outing as a family to run the legendary Boston Marathon. This is a unique experience that...
The Civic Improvement Association and the Lehi Round-Up Celebration Committee are pleased to honor John and Jeanette Rasmussen Haws as the Grand Marshals of the 2017...
On Thursday, April 20, Lehi City emailed a survey to Lehi residents to discover what their feelings were regarding general questions about Lehi’s direction. The ten-minute survey...
On Friday, April 21, Lehi High School will be hosting a bingo night raffle to help raise funds for LHS football coach Andy Hadfield, and his...
More than 30 years ago some of the iconic scenes in the movie “Footloose” were filmed in Lehi. Most notably, the Lehi Roller Mill served as...
Growing up with three athletic brothers and parents who played sports, Brinn Jensen had no choice but to compete in athletics and compete she certainly does....
Monday April 17, Lehi City officials, members of the power department, architect, builders, and citizens, attended the groundbreaking for the new Lehi City Power facility located...
On Saturday, April 15, one of Lehi’s own, Kassadee Jones, won the title of Lehi Roundup Rodeo Queen. Jones is the daughter of Kellie Jo and...
In the Lehi City planning and zoning meeting on April 13, the city council chamber was full of residents of Traverse Mountain who spoke in opposition...
I cringe when potential clients tell me they plan to leave everything to one child, with the expectation that child will be fair to the other...