While the worst winter in the last century was during the 1948-49 season, other significant snow storms have been source of stories of courage, hardship, and...
When Lisa Hunt moved her laptop from her bedroom to the kitchen, little did she think this simple action would save her home and perhaps her...
The Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce held a luncheon at Thanksgiving Point last Tuesday, January 10, to introduce the 2017 Chamber Board and to present 2016...
Finding ancestors through online research is a worldwide obsession, and Lehi is home to two of the biggest names in family history research. Ancestry has offices...
Ally Beeston thought she was done playing soccer after her last season at Lehi High School. She wasn’t really interested in playing in college but that...
The Soderquist family of Lehi didn’t have any presents under their tree for Christmas, but that’s exactly what the kids asked for. Parents Derek and Nicole,...
Utah has the greatest snow on earth and Lehi is less than an hour away from several premier ski resorts. January is a great month to...
George Q. Daley, the new dean of Harvard Medical School, has appointed Lehi, Utah native M. William (Willy) Lensch as his chief of staff. Lensch officially...
A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labor of other people, living and dead, and that...
Early Tuesday morning, November 29, 2016, Amy Bush awoke to her alarm and a splitting headache at 5:30 in the morning. The headache intensified over the...