As the December nights are long and kids are short on patience until Santa Claus arrives, even the grownups may be feeling tired of the seemingly...
Barbara (BJ) Gurney, media specialist at Lehi Junior High, began organizing and collecting donations for her family and neighbors from Paradise, California, the day she learned...
Three members of the Lehi Fire Department continue to fight the “Camp Fire” in Paradise, California. The trio of firefighters and a fire truck were deployed...
Brightyn Brems spent ten weeks of her summer in Los Angeles, California, but she wasn’t on vacation. Brems was dancing for four hours a day...
With real estate prices in Lehi rising up to 10% per year, housing affordability is becoming a perpetual topic of conversation with local politicians, developers, and...
Stan Russon was born and nurtured on the northwest bench of Lehi. His family turned a sagebrush covered hill into one of the most productive farms...
In 2016, there was only a 41.4% overall voter turnout for the Utah General Election and even more alarming, only 21.4% in Utah County. Voting is...
The Lehi football team dominated the Skyline Eagles, 42-7, Wednesday night on the road in the final game of region play. The Pioneers scored early and...
Lehi residents endured two nights of freeway closures as the Alpine School District Fall Break began last Wednesday night, October 17. Southbound I-15 was closed on...
“I’ve found a new sport,” said former NFL football player Seante Williams, about his first experience competing in the NPC Utah Classic Championship held at Cottonwood...