Gail Jeane Peterson Holbrook, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, was called home by her Heavenly Father on April 17, 2019, surrounded by her family...
1957-2019 Brent Von Larson (Boon) passed away surrounded by his loving wife and children. Brent bravely fought Leukemia (AML) for 1 1/2 years and did so...
1932 – 2019 Delma Jean Austin Jorgenson Webb left this earth April 14, 2019, in Delta, Utah. She was born April 9, 1932, in Preston, Idaho...
Lehi High School softball pitcher Lexi Butterfield and LHS Baseball pitcher Hayden Jacobson had a memorable week- both throwing a rare no-hitter game. The lady Pioneers...
Lehi City’s iconic Lehi Roller Mills was established in 1906. The company recently rebranded the name to “Lehi Mills” and is now expanding their distribution nationwide....
Thanksgiving Point presents the 15th annual Tulip Festival at the Ashton Gardens from April 12-May 4, closed Sundays. Nearly 300,000 tulips, in over a hundred unique...
Governor Garry Herbert signed a bill into law that made the Gila monster the Utah State Reptile. The Gila monster joins the varied list of other...
A local group of friends and volunteers have been remodeling homes for those in need since 2004 and have remodeled or completely rebuilt between 45-50 homes....
Parker Brown revised building plan approved, sent to City Council The Lehi City Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, March 28, extended to well over four hours...
Details of 2019 Lehi City citizen survey shared Growth and traffic continue to be major areas of concern for the 1,274 Lehi residents who responded to...
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