Friends and family came together to recognize volunteers from the Rippy Literacy Center. The Literacy Center has been a community resource for nearly 19 years and specializes in tutoring math and reading. Tutors are available for K-6 Reading and Math as well as junior high and high school level math tutors. The center is operated mostly by volunteers who were recognized for their numerous hours of dedicated service.

Mayor Wilson stands with Lifetime Recipient Award winner Tony
Coppola. Photo: Heather Nielsen
The Lifetime Recipient Award was presented to Tony Coppola. Honored for his service and volunteer work, Coppola has offered well over 100 hours. Mayor Wilson spoke about the importance of volunteer work and the tenacity of the students at the Rippy Literacy Center. Wilson then congratulated each participant, handed them their award, and posed with them for a picture. The Rippy Literacy Center would not be able to continue without the services of their generous volunteers.

Mayor Wilson recognizes Richard Adams for his service. Photo: Heather Nielsen