In the lobby of the building that will now house the Rippy Literacy Center at 99 West Main Street is a triptych of murals showcasing scenes...
The old 1951 Chevy pickup truck we called the “Blue Goose” had fifteen FFA members packed into the back bed and five more stacked in the...
Last Friday and Saturday, August 27 and 28, Lehi’s Thanksgiving Point played host Utah’s Renaissance Faire which was attended by hundreds of enthusiastic locals. Each year,...
The Lehi Arts Council is kicking off a whole new season of workshops which will begin the week of September 19 at the Lehi Arts Center...
Over the last several weeks, John Haws, President of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives, has been announcing the selection of this year’s Lehi Heritage Days...
The LDS Church broke ground for a temple in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2011. In the months leading up to January 2014, the Brian and Harmony...
On Monday, September 5, the city of Lehi will celebrate Lehi Heritage Days with several activities organized by the Lehi Historical Society. The theme this year...
Over the last several weeks, John Haws, President of the Lehi Historical Society and Archives, has been announcing the selection of this year’s Lehi Heritage Days...
It’s back-to-school season and time to buy all the stuff needed. One of the most challenging aspects of buying the new stuff is the gym shoes....
If you asked a friend or family member to describe Mary Ann Johnson in one word, you would hear “ funny,” “feisty,” “artistic,” ”kind,” “honest,” “unique,”...