Skyridge High School sent seven of their best film students to the All American High School Film Festival (AAHSFF) during the first week of October. They...
For the last three years, students at Lehi Junior High School have been moving on to Skyridge High School, and the talk of changing the LJHS...
The Shakespeare Festival, founded in 1961, has been a place for Shakespeare lovers of all shapes and sizes to gather and compete. Lehi City had several...
The Alpine School District Board of Education met on Tuesday, September 25 to discuss the recent findings of the State Board of Education’s state wide audit...
Five years ago, Brookelynn Canen went to her first day of Kindergarten at North Point Elementary in Lehi. She came home with a list of items...
On Monday, September 24, parents and students were invited to Mountainland Technical College campus in Lehi to explore career pathways and get hands-on experiences in different...
Last Wednesday, September 12, Skyridge High School finally unveiled their falcon statue. Students gathered around the front entrance of the school to witness this long-anticipated event....
The Lehi High School football team kicked off the homecoming celebration Friday night in grand fashion by defeating Maple Mountain, 29-7. The game featured more turnovers...
As growth in Lehi and surrounding cities continues unabated, the Alpine School District Board of Education continues to buy land for future educational needs. On Tuesday,...
In what may be the finale of the Mascot Bowl in Lehi, thousands of fans came to support 8th-grade football teams, cheerleaders, drill teams, mascots from...