1946-2019 Larry Reed Miner passed away in his home, surrounded by his family, on June 17, 2019, after a short, valiant fight with cancer. Larry was...
1967-2019 Rick Raynal Beal, born September 23, 1967, died of a long-term illness June 12, 2019, in Roosevelt, Utah. A survivor from birth, he faced his...
.5K Ability Fun Run was a Homerun Families and friends participating in the Just For Kids .5K Ability Fun Run on Saturday, June 15 only had...
Saturday, June 22 Lehi Round- up 5K and Kid’s Mile 8 a.m. 5K start, 8:30 a.m. Kid’s Mile start 8 a.m. Doubles Tennis Tournament at Willowcreek...
Tim Robinson named Deputy Chief of Lehi Fire; seven new hires will start soon Due to the recent growth in the city of Lehi, the Fire...
During the public input section of the June 11, 2019, Lehi City Council meeting, RoEna Gammon, who has been affectionately nicknamed, “Lehi’s tree lady,” expressed appreciation...
Arsenal concept shot down by Peck family, tabled by Planning Commission The Lehi City Planning Commission met on Thursday, June 13, for another marathon meeting that...
The Miss Lehi’s Outstanding Teen Pageant was Saturday, June 1, at Lehi Junior High, with 11 girls competing for the title. Contestants for Miss Lehi’s Outstanding...
Cooper, Lehi’s chief pool specialist for decades Forty years ago, in 1979, Lehi City began construction of a long-awaited swimming pool located below Main Street. In...
The Utah State University Extension and the Utah County Master Gardeners Annual Hidden Garden Tour will feature five Lehi gardens this year. The tour will be...
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