Lehi City News
Traverse Mountain residents, City Council say “No” to high density development
7 years agoon

Lehi City Council members met in regularly scheduled meeting June 12, 2018. All five City Council members were in attendance along with Mayor Mark Johnson.
In Pre-council meeting held at 5:30, Council member Chris Condie proposed that the Council discuss a land swap involving 107 acres owned by Scott McLoughlin located just south of 2100 N. on the east side of Redwood Road with 100 acres just west of 2300 West on the south side of Pioneer Crossing owned by Chui
The discussion regarding the land swap lasted almost an hour. Condie presented his case about the benefits of the swap saying, “I have been working with Saratoga Springs and McLoughlin wants his property de-annexed into Lehi and Chui wants his property in Saratoga Springs. Steve Maddox, owner of Edge Homes would like to develop the property owned by McLoughlin.
Lorin Powell, Lehi Head Engineer, commented, “CWP water has not been allocated for the area. To purchase water would be expensive. Our new water tank out there is almost at capacity with the new developments of the Hardman, Allred, and Holbrook properties. We would have to build a new water tank, and a new PI reservoir. Sewer might also present problems, but we could do it.”
Mayor Mark Johnson said, “There are a lot of moving parts. We need to know numbers. We would have to extend costs out to pay for more infrastructure for Edge Homes.”
Council member Johnny Revill said “12 units per acre is our limit. What does Maddox want?”
Council member Albrecht said, “Too many unknowns—we still haven’t heard from Mr. Maddox.”
Mark Christensen from Saratoga Springs discussed the cost of storm drain lines and sewer. Money for an additional lift station would be needed if the land stayed in Saratoga Springs.
Powell added, “The density suggested is higher than we can accommodate.”
Mayor Johnson added, “We are struggling with the numbers of high density requests. It keeps me up at night.”
In polling the City Council members, Condie was in favor of the land swap while Albrecht, Revill, and Hancock were negative. “I have no interest in entertaining the proposed density number,” stated Hancock. Southwick was neutral.
There was also some discussion about the sewer line that extends south of the Snow Springs development, on 2300 West (Old Saratoga Road).
A presentation was given to the Council concerning Lehi’s participation in a Refuse Derived Fuel Plant. (see accompanying article)
During regular City Council meeting a long agenda was discussed and items were either approved, denied, or tabled by Council members.
Lehi Round-Up Royalty invited the City Council and Mayor to the events scheduled during Round-up week.
The agenda item resulting in the most discussion was The Golding Annexation and TOD land use plan, approximately 48.78 acres of property located at approximately 5200 North 3000 West in the Traverse Mountain area with a proposed TOD zoning.
A contingent of residents of Traverse Mountain came to oppose the project. Paul Washburn, the project representative said that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is interested in constructing a stake center on the property and is ready to proceed “The property is key to other projects in the city. We have worked with staff and are willing to donate land for the TRAX station. We have also worked out the water issues. The Planning Commission directed the concept plan,” said Washburn. “We need sewer line and water line to make it feasible,” added Washburn.
Rob Ludlow, a Traverse Mountain resident, expressed, “We shouldn’t use density as currency. As I look at the deal, I would love TRAX and a stake center, but 400 units is awfully high. We need two egresses and TRAX is not an adequate second egress.
David Baum another resident said, “I am really frustrated by this plan. We didn’t catch wind of this until two weeks ago. This will ruin the area for everyone.”
Other residents voiced complaints: “This will be an absolute mess,” There will be safety issues.” “The TRAX station in Draper is not safe.” “There will be a homeless presence.” “It will be too close to an elementary school.” “There will be noise from 6 a.m. until midnight.” “The majority of residents don’t want it.” “Both schools are at capacity.” “UTA is not looking at Lehi right now.” “We have wild life in the area. We see elk and deer. This will go away forever.” “High-rises apartments will ruin our view.” “The home I thought I was buying is now surrounded by mining and high-density residential.” “Our views will be obstructed.” “Please reconsider this plan.”
Council member Revill stated, “This will develop. There is a problem with egress. Using density as currency is not always a bad thing. The right-of-way for Pioneer Crossing was traded for density. Sometimes density bonuses make sense. We need TRAX locations but we don’t know where. This project may be 5-10 years too soon.”
Council member Hancock said, “Timing, I feel we need mechanisms to phase it in. I think this is a great location for TRAX. I am not concerned about problems with density if it is phased it.”
Council member Albrecht said, “This is either too early or too late. Current residents shouldn’t bear the burden of this growth. I would like more specifics. We can’t always do what we want with other people’s property. The density is too high.”
Council member Southwick added, “People should have a say in what happens. This will impact those who live there.”
Mayor Johnson said, “Constitutionally, we have the right to protect property owner’s rights.
Condie moved to deny the ordinance and resolution because of these findings:
“Lack of a second egress, timing of TRAX, and density is in excess of existing residential neighborhood.”
Both the ordinance and the annexation were denied unanimously.
The following projects were unanimously approved:
- A resolution of intent to annex the Peterson Annexation, located at 1370 South Evans Street.
- Consideration of an extension of Madison Meadows Subdivision Plats A and B at 700 South and 300 East in an R-1-22 zone. (one-year extension)
- Dairy View Plat H amended plat located at 1058 North 1710 East. And Dairy View Plat I amended plat located at 1058 North 1710 East. (one dissenting vote on Plat H amendment.)
- Consideration of Final subdivision approval of River Park Plat B, a 6-lot residential development located at approximately 2800 West 1300 North in an R-1-22 zone.
- Consideration of Final Subdivision approval of Sunset Fields, a 15-lot subdivision located at 700 South Center Street.
- Consideration of Final subdivision approval of the Exchange Public Park, a 1-lot subdivision located at approximately 3600 West Hardman Way in an R-3 PUD.
- Consideration of Final subdivision approval of the Exchange Phase 12, a 23-lot townhome project located at approximately 3870 Hardman Way in an existing R-3 PUD zone.
- Consideration of Final subdivision approval of he Exchange Phase 12BB-12 EE Condo Plats, 10-unit condo plats each located at approximately 3870 Hardman Way in a R-3 PUD zone.
- Approval of Preliminary subdivision approval for Cold Spring Ranch HDI, a 151-unit residential development located at approximately 3600 West 700 North in a Planned Community zone.
- Consideration of Ordinance #53-2018 updating the Lehi City Design Standards and Public Improvements Specification Manual.
- Consideration of Ordinance #50-2018 amending the Lehi Municipal Code, Chapter 9-2C, Secondary Water System Conservation. (The discussion indicated that Lehi has only ½ the water we had last year.)
- Consideration of Resolution #2018-29 approving the Fifth Amendment to Intermountain Power Agency Organization Agreement. (Revised from original written in 1977)
- Consideration of Resolution #2018-30 approval of Alternate Repowering.
- Purchase of two properties for Power Easements from Kraig Johnson. Property located at 1500 N. West.
- Consideration of Resolution #2018-28 authorizing eminent domain proceedings to acquire property Vidi Vici. Some dispute over appraisal of property. Jim Loveland property owner.
- Consideration of Resolution #2018-35 approving a Real Estate Purchase Agreement between Brian Brown and Lehi City for properties located at 4 West Main, 12 West Main. Purchase price $150,000. (Porter’s Place)
One item was tabled. Consideration of Ordinance #15-2018 amending the Lehi City General Plan and the General Plan Land Use Map for Sheri Sproul concerning the Brooks Medical Office General Plan. Planning staff is to look at the table to broaden uses.

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