Residents urged to attend Wednesday, Feb 27, 6 p.m., Legacy Center

Lehi City’s General Plan Land Use Map. Lehi residents can voice their opinions on upcoming changes to land use map. | Courtesy Lehi City
Lehi residents who want to be involved in the future planning of Lehi’s land use are invited to attend a citywide workshop Wednesday, February 27 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Legacy Center. The workshop will include a short presentation on the current land use plan and an opportunity for residents to weigh in on the future land use plan.
Scott Fregonese, Principal at Fregonese Associates, was hired by Lehi City as the lead consultant to update the land use chapter of the general plan. He said it’s important for his team to listen to the citizens of Lehi before making any decisions. “We want to explain what this land use map means to them and hear their concerns. We’re also asking for their ideas on the future land map that will account for Lehi’s growth and changes in the years to come.”
Fregonese said Lehi is unique because only about three thousand people both live and work in Lehi. According to the last census information, an estimated 20-thousand people live in Lehi and work elsewhere, and 17-thousand live elsewhere and work in Lehi. He said Lehi is one of the fastest growing cities in the state and the needs of the city are changing. “The land use map shows what type of uses are planned for different parts of the city. Commercial, residential and transit development are all things we need to address,” Fregonese said.
The workshop will have attendees divide into groups and make a land map for the future of Lehi according to their ideas and opinions, and then present that map to everyone. Fregonese said this is the best part of the workshop because they get to hear opinions, ideas, and thoughts from the people who will be most impacted by any changes.
Lehi Mayor, Mark Johnson, said it’s very important for residents to attend this workshop. He said if an application for development meets the general plan and zoning map, the city must move forward and can’t deny it. He said the general plan designates those zoning/property areas within the city. “People usually comment when applications have been made, but they don’t understand that the time to comment is during the general plan process. Because once it’s adopted into use [the general plan], that is what our decisions are based on,” Johnson said.
“This event is for anyone who is interested in planning the future of the city,” Fregonese said. “It’s for people who are interested in the growth and providing input on how the city grows in the future.” Lehi City Planner, Christie Hutchings, said this meeting isn’t just for those concerned about Lehi’s growth. “It’s for those residents who are also excited and happy with the way things are going and want things to stay the same,” she said.
For those unable to attend the meeting on February 27, Lehi City has created a website, where residents may complete a survey and leave comments on an interactive map of Lehi.