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How To Get the Highest Personal Injury Settlement in Utah



If you get hurt in a car crash in Utah, it’s essential to get the highest possible settlement so you can recover and get your life back. Review the settlement tips below to ensure you get the most money possible, then speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more. 

Understand How the Accident Has Affected Your Life

After the collision, you should wait a few weeks before filing a claim or lawsuit so you can assess the full extent of your injuries and losses. After you’ve added up all your lost wages, reduced ability to earn a living, and lost future opportunities, you may seek a higher settlement than you initially expected.

As you decide how much to ask for in settlement, make sure you weigh how the incident has affected your life in the following ways: 

  • Did the Utah car crash potentially cost you any promotions or advancement opportunities? 
  • How does your quality of life after the collision compare to how it was before? 
  • If your medical or health condition gets worse, will you be able to care for yourself and pay your bills?

Remember, your quality of life shouldn’t take a hit after a vehicle incident that wasn’t your fault. A personal injury settlement should make up the difference so you can live your life as close as possible to the way it was before. 

Don’t Accept the Insurance Adjuster’s First Offer

You can expect the insurance adjuster to start the settlement negotiations with a low, token offer. The adjuster is attempting to discern how well you understand what your case is worth, and whether you have the patience to negotiate an appropriate settlement. 

For the most part, you shouldn’t accept the initial offer, because there’s a good chance you will be able to get more than that. If the offer is low but not unreasonable, you should make a counteroffer that is closer to your bottom-line figure. 

When you make a counteroffer, it’s worthwhile to go over the points in your favor which would justify a higher settlement. For example, if you are enduring a lot of pain and suffering from a back injury, point this out when negotiating with the adjuster.

Perhaps the back pain prevents you from exercising and playing with your children. If so, you can justifiably request a higher settlement, so don’t hesitate to do so. 


Know When to Bring In an Attorney

Some cases that involve minimal injuries and property damage may not require the counsel of a personal injury attorney. For instance, if your bumper was just scratched and your minor injuries heal after a week or two, you probably don’t need a Utah lawyer. 

However, there are cases in which you should definitely retain a personal injury attorney, or you are unlikely to obtain the settlement you deserve: 

  • You want compensation for pain and suffering and injuries that are worth thousands of dollars. Generally speaking, the insurance adjuster won’t take you seriously if you don’t have an attorney and you seek more than $10,000 in damages. 
  • You want damages for future wages lost, medical bills, and pain and suffering. When you want this type of compensation, the case gets more complicated, so it’s best to have an attorney. 
  • Fault isn’t clear. You always want an attorney in your corner if fault for the traffic incident is contested.

Know About All Insurance Policies

One of the common issues with car accident settlements is people have no more than minimal coverage, so there isn’t enough insurance money to cover the damages.

In such cases, it’s crucial to learn about any insurance policies that might be tapped to increase your settlement. One of the things a lawyer can do for you is locate and identify every possible policy held by the at-fault party or parties so that you can get your damages covered.

Remember and follow these tips, and there’s a strong chance you will win a higher car-collision settlement.

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