LEHI, UTAH On Thursday, July 6, 2023, at approximately 1:17 p.m., the Lehi City Fire Department and Lehi Police Department responded to a report of a fire...
June 2023 vs. (2022) Homes sold: 107 (152) Average home price: $632,821 ($601,077) Median home price: $550,000 ($525,000) Average days on the market: 63 (20) Average square feet: 2,925 (2,507) Most...
Nearly a year after the Ivory Ridge Park bathrooms were vandalized, resulting in thousands of dollars in damages, the park was hit again. Vandals targeted the north Lehi park overnight between...
Megan Wallgren | Lehi Free Press The chance to connect through service brought hundreds of families to Thanksgiving Point Monday to participate in first lady Abby...
May 2023 vs. (2022) Homes sold: 121 (173) Average home price: $644,891 ($630,549) Median home price: $531,900 ($544,273) Average days on the market: 52 (20) Average square feet: 2,793 (2,565)...
Jillian Rose | Lehi Free Press Because of the extensive home repairs needed, many Utah County homeowners are literally on the verge of losing the roof over their heads. There are programs available...
Jillian Rose | Lehi Free Press The Lehi Fire Department is hosting its second Call to Courage Camp this year. Slated to take place in mid-August, the camp was created to provide resources and information for young females interested...
Lehi Rodeo officials say this year’s rodeo is officially sold out. Unofficially, this is the earliest date in history that rodeo tickets are no longer available. Next...
Last year 15 Utahns lost their lives in bicycle-related accidents,and 49 experienced serious injuries. That is the deadliest year in Utah for bicycle accidents since the Utah Department...
Updated 7:44 p.m Alpine School District statement: “The school is now on a “SECURE” protocol. For the students who are still in the school, this means...