Doxo recently released a report about the U.S. Cable & Internet Market Size and Household Spending Report 2023. The research firm reported only a 1.7% increase in the average bill from last...
Most Valuable Player Elliott Plewe (Sr. Skyridge; P): “Elliott led our team in stats as well as by example of how to be a good teammate,” said Coach Tyler Plewe. “Her dedication...
In the early 60s, during the heyday of rock n roll, a group of teenagers from Lehi High School took their guitars and headed for Wines...
The Lehi City Council unanimously approved a new park amenity during Tuesday’s meeting. The City announced a contract with Ice-America, a California manufacturer of portable ice-skating rinks. The small new rink will be open for the winter this year from Black...
Megan Wallgren | Lehi Free Press Recent social media posts in the area suggest a stomach bug hasbeen hitting hard, putting a damper on some summer fun....
As the sports editor here, I try to focus our coverage on the accomplishments of our local young people. By definition, a “news”paper should contain things that...
Ryann Anderegg | Lehi Free Press This month Tabitha’s Way Local Food Pantry is celebrating its 7th anniversary. The American Fork-based non-profit will hold an open house event from...
As the four seasons grace Utah with a unique sense of beauty, every moment holds the promise of enchantment. This mountainous wonderland, teeming with picturesque landscapes...
The new Primary Children’s Hospital, a community focal point in Lehi’s west side, has taken shape in Holbrook Farms off 2100 North. The exteriors of the 38-acre...
Most Valuable Player Tyler Ball (Sr. Skyridge; P/U): BYU-bound headliner of the year is Utah’s Mr. Baseball. Posted an 8-0 record in 10 appearances with a .227 ERA plus 94...
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