Despite a 90-minute storm delay and intermittent rain, the Lehi High School football team dealt the defending Idaho 5A state champions their first defeat at home in five years...
“This is an unprecedented outbreak,” said BreAnne Osborn, an epidemiologist from the Utah State Department of Health, during an E. coli briefing at the Lehi City Council chambers on Tuesday August 22. Lehi has been...
On Thursday, August 17, over a dozen Lehi City Council hopefuls gathered to express their positions on various topics before a packed room of citizens. The Lehi...
As part of the City Council’s marathon meeting last week that kept city officials and visitors up until past 1 a.m. on Tuesday, the Council approved...
In April of this year, the Lehi City Council voted to continue the Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) state pilot program and brought back a primary election...
In the first year with Justin Hemm as head football coach, a newly aligned Region 3 and new faces on the field, the Falcons are looking confident in...
The Lehi High School football team begins a new era this week in more ways than one. Not only has the team entered Class 6A as a...
Guidelines to prevent further E. coli outbreak in Utah County The following are excerpts from the included press release provide by the Utah County Health Department:...
Primary Election ballots will be hitting voter mailboxes in just a few days. Lehi voters will choose from the largest candidate list in its long history, with 17...
July 2023 vs. (2022) Homes sold: 81 (151) Average home price: $639,547 ($614,206) Median home price: $540,000 ($510,000) Average days on the market: 44 (22) Average square feet: 2,853 (2,687) Most expensive...
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