Lehi artist Dan Wilson.
In high school, Dan Wilson was the student who would always turn in his tests with doodles in the margins. He couldn’t resist the temptation to fill an empty space with his artwork. Wilson claims his gift is familial; His grandfather was an art professor at Brigham Young University, his father is an architect, his mother loves to make quilts and all his brothers and sisters are all artistic.
Wilson graduated from Lone Peak High School and went on to Utah Valley University where he was mentored by William Whitaker, portrait artist for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wilson received his degree in fine art from Utah Valley University.
Painting uplifting art is his focus. Wilson has done commissioned work for families, and while he enjoys doing this kind of painting, his real passion is painting portraits of Jesus Christ and subjects that are inspirational in nature. Wilson recounts one particular event that motivated him: “A lady in my ward got one of my paintings of Jesus. The family was going through a particularly difficult time. One day, she stopped me and told me the painting had made a great difference in their life.” Wilson knew at that time his mission was to create inspirational art.
One of Wilson’s paintings, a nine-foot portrait of the Savior, will hang in the Orlando LDS Temple. He has won many local and regional art awards, and among the latest are:
- 2014, 2015, 2016 “Best of Show” Utah State Fair
- Directors Choice Award at the Spring Salon
- First Place in the Springville Museum Art Show
- “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” Painting chosen for the LDS Church History Museum
Additionally, his work has earned “first place” in every city show he has entered.

“Carrying Us Home” by Dan Wilson.
Wilson’s art is being displayed at the Authentique Gallery in St. George, Anthony’s Fine Art in Salt Lake City, Logan Fine Art in Logan, and The City Creek Deseret Book. His goal is to have his work in everyone’s home and to bring peace and inspiration to families.
Wilson lives in Lehi with his wife, Heather and four children, Ty, Gabe, Sadie, and Owen.