Years ago, a group of families in an American Fork neighborhood organized a children’s musical group called “Christmas Kids,” and went around the area performing Christmas...
Change is coming to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) this Fall, and the Governor is in the process of interviewing candidates for the new three-member board....
Most kids are counting down the last days of summer and planning their last big summer outing before school starts again. Evrett Clarke, age ten of...
A new program is available for students at MTECH in Lehi for the upcoming term. The Central Sterile Technician program is for students interested in a...
Staff at Hutchings Museum have taken on the task of cataloging and displaying John Hutchings’ extensive collection of pretty much everything. From the time John began...
Both Jim Crittenden and Phil Oyler came to Lehi High School fresh out of BYU to coach men’s sports and teach scholastic coursework. For over a...
“There’s always next year.” This is the phrase fans recite after disappointing seasons. A phrase that loyal Lehi football fans were all too familiar with, that...
Educators across the nation have seen an increase in students suffering from anxiety, which has led to more truancy and youth skipping school. Lehi Junior High...
It still feels like summer but in a few days kids start heading back to school across our community. “Now is a great time to go...
For the past two years, Silicon Slopes leader IM Flash Technologies, has put their money where the math is by supporting Alpine School District math clubs...
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